Monday, November 29, 2010

Why I started this

Let's get one thing straight.  I did not start this blog because I finally saw the light, started a new chapter in my life or because I want to touch people's lives.  I actually have no idea why I started blogging, but I guarantee it has nothing to do with what I just mentioned.

I could list all my favorite things, where I want to go in life, what I'm looking for in a boyfriend, but seriously, no one cares.  It's not that I don't have great people in my life - it's quite the opposite actually.  I have fantastic friends, who usually listen to my lame stories and laugh when they are supposed to.  They encourage me with passion to drunkenly sing "I Believe I Can Fly" at karaoke night (on a side's a big hit!).  Those people love me unconditionally and I don't think they really care much if I prefer Red wine or White (definitely white - Riesling to be exact) or if I like guys with dark or light hair (doesn't matter, as long as they are Southern).  So I plan on just entertaining you with my ridiculous antidotes and obnoxious opinions.

In closing, I'll leave you with this little bit of information:
1. I live for Duke basketball
2. I do nothing, and I mean nothing, in moderation.

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